Menopause Unzipped for Men

What Women Need Men To Know About Female Menopause

Through my many years of experience as a menopause coach I’m well aware that female menopause is a topic that many men are totally baffled by and find it hard to talk about!

There are two numbers that rise alarmingly during female menopause. They are:

1. Numbers of women starting divorce proceedings
2. Numbers of women trying or succeeding in suicide

Just by being on this page shows you are willing to get a better understanding of menopause and how best to support the women in your life through this time.


How can I help you?

Buy my Ebook Menopause Unzipped for Men which covers everything from physical changes that occur during menopause to the emotional and mental toll it can take on women and their families.

This book empowers men to become allies in the struggle with menopause, helping to break down the barriers that often exist between the sexes when it comes to this topic.

Join my private Facebook group MENopause Support 


Individual/couple support

The number one issue couples have is they don’t communicate with each other in supportive or helpful ways during this period of life. This is not because they don’t want to but because they don’t know how to or are afraid to.

I can help you avoid this and many other issues. Simply get in touch by clicking the link and completing the short form